RTA Guide/Hot-Foot-It into the Volcano

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Hot-Foot-It into the Volcano
Record Information
RTA World Record 17.00
Single Star World Record 16.96

Hot-Foot-It into the Volcano is the fifth mission of Lethal Lava Land.

Lava Boost

Rather than laying out strats for the entire star, options are split up among the 3 sections below for players to mix and match as they see fit. See the table at the bottom of the page for an overview of each strat.

Entering the Volcano

  • Beginner Movement - Mario cam on entry and delay the C-Down to make sure your camera is directly behind you. Switch to lakitu cam after the 2nd long jump to set up the cam for the 3rd. This movement is good for when you're starting out, but most players move to either of the intermediate options fairly early.
  • Intermediate Movement - These options are for intermediate players and above. Which you choose is a matter of preference. Both begin with a C-Left followed by Mario Cam and C-Down. Hold A before after the camera inputs to allow you to buffer a kick once you have control of Mario. For the Mario Cam option, stay in Mario cam the whole time while pressing C-Right to adjust the camera. For the Lakitu Cam version, switch to Lakitu Cam during the first long jump, then input one C-Right when you land.

Lava Boost

As you can see, there are many options for the lava boost portion of the star. The easiest and safest is the Triple Jump Boost, however it's quite a bit slower than all other options. The remaining options are all fairly similar, with timesave scaling well with difficulty. For most players, the trade off between difficulty and time save with strat selection is a matter of preference.

Ending Movement

Similarly to the lava boost section, there are many different ending movements you can perform for this star, with varying levels of difficulty and timesave. Depending on the type of boost you choose, certain ending movements may become easier or harder. The video below goes over each of the endings, how much time they save and roughly how difficulty they are. Hover over the timestamped sections in the video to see roughly how much each strat saves.