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The following tables summarize abbreviations commonly used in the context of Super Mario 64.

Courses/Stages/Star Names

Course Names

Abbreviation Meaning
BBH Big Boo's Haunt
BoB Bob-omb Battlefield
CCM Cool, Cool Mountain
DDD Dire, Dire Docks
HMC Hazy Maze Cave
JRB Jolly Roger Bay
LLL Lethal Lava Land
RR Rainbow Ride


SL Snowman's Land
SSL Shifting Sand Land
THI Tiny-Huge Island
TTC Tick Tock Clock
TTM Tall, Tall Mountain
WDW Wet-Dry World
WF Whomp's Fortress

Cap Stages

Abbreviation Meaning
CotMC Cavern of the Metal Cap
TotWC Tower of the Wing Cap
VCutM Vanish Cap under the Moat

Bowser Stages

Abbreviation Meaning
BitDW Bowser in the Dark World
BitFS Bowser in the Fire Sea
BitS Bowser in the Sky

Castle Secret Stages

Abbreviation Meaning
PSS The Princess's Secret Slide
SA Secret Aquarium
WMotR Wing Mario over the Rainbow

Star Names

Abbreviation Meaning
CAiaM Coins Amassed in a Maze
ItAP Inside the Ancient Pyramid
MHMCM Metal-Head Mario Can Move!
MWttS Mario Wings to the Sky
RitC Roll into the Cage
SotT Stomp on the Thwomp
TJoMB Timed Jumps on Moving Bars
TotOC Treasure of the Ocean Cave
TotT Top O' the Town


The Pit and the Pendulums
WfRR Watch for Rolling Rocks
WKWW Wall Kicks Will Work
WRC Wiggler's Red Coins

Game Mechanics & Terminology

Abbreviation Meaning
100c 100 Coins
DJ Double Jump
DR Dive Recover
DSS Double Star Spawn
GP Ground Pound
HAU Hexadecimal Angle Unit
HOLP Held Object's Last Position
KtQ Koopa the Quick
LJ Long Jump
MC Metal Cap
NUT Nonstatic Unit Truncation
OoB Out of Bounds
PU Parallel Universe
QPU Quadruple Parallel Universe
RNG Random Number Generation

Random Number Generator

SM64 Super Mario 64
VC Virtual Console

Vanish Cap

VS Vertical Speed

Vacant Slot

WC Wing Cap
WK Wall Kick

Technical Tricks & Glitches

Abbreviation Meaning
BCA Behind Camera Anywhere
BLJ Backwards Long Jump
BSH Backward Shell Hyperspeed
CT Cannon Teleportation
CWT Chuckya Wrong Throw
DSG Death Star Glitch
FBB Fast Bully Battery
FSH Forward Shell Hyperspeed
GLG Glitchy Ledge Grab
GWK Glitchy Wall Kick
HSB Hyperspeed Bouncing

Hyperspeed Braking

HSC Horizontal Speed Conservation

Hyperspeed Crawling

HSF Hyperspeed Flying
HSG Hyperspeed Grinding
HSJK Hyperspeed Jump Kicking
HSP Hyperspeed Punching
HSSK Hyperspeed Slide Kicking
HSTA Hyperspeed Turnaround
HSW Hyperspeed Walking
HSWK Hyperspeed Wall Kicking
HSWS Hyperspeed Water Sliding
LBLJ Lobby Backwards Long Jump
MDS Moat Door Skip
MPA Mario's Platform Adventure
NJ Negative Jump
OJ Overflow Jump
PBH Pause Buffered Hitstun
PRD Platform Release Displacement

Platform Rotation Displacement

PT Pole Teleportation
RLB Remote Lava Boost
SBB Slow Bully Battery
SBC Star Bounce Cancel

Start Button Challenge

SBLJ Side Backwards Long Jump
SCGP Squish Cancel Ground Pound
SDC Star Dance Clip
VHSC Vertical and Horizontal Speed Conservation
VSC Vertical Speed Conservation
VSCC VSC Conservation
WHS Wind Hyperspeed



Abbreviation Meaning
0xA Zero A Presses
ABC A Button Challenge
BBC B Button Challenge
CC Capless Cannonless
CCC Coinless Capless Cannonless
RBC R Button Challenge
SBC Star Bounce Cancel

Start Button Challenge

ZBC Z Button Challenge

Software Terminology

Abbreviation Meaning
M64 Mupen64, .m64 (Mupen64 movie file)
MHS Memory Hacking Software
N64 Nintendo 64
PJ64 Project64
RR Rainbow Ride




Super Mario Star Road
ST Savestate
STROOP SuperMario64 Technical Runtime Observer and Object Processor
TAS Tool Assisted Speedrun

Tool Assisted Superplay

TT64 Toad’s Tool 64