Glitchy Wall Kick
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A glitchy wall kick, or GWK for short, is a wall kick where Mario wall kicks at an angle that normally wouldn't allow him to.
Quarter Frame GWK
A quarter frame GWK occurs when Mario is set to bonk on a wall other than the last wall he interacted with on that frame. If on any quarter frame Mario collides with a wall with an incident angle less than 45 degrees, he will be set to bonk (and therefore be able to wall kick) the next frame. However, the game doesn't keep track of which wall he bonked on. Instead, it keeps a reference to the last wall he interacted with on that frame, and so he will bonk on that wall, regardless of the incident angle. Therefore, a quarter frame GWK can be done by bonking on a wall during an earlier quarter frame, then touching the desired wall on the last quarter frame. This is most commonly done in a corner between two walls, where Mario interacts with the walls in a specific order, and can therefore bonk on the first wall in that order as he approaches the corner, and update his wall reference to the other wall once at the corner.[1]
Instead of a wall with an incident angle less than 45°, Mario can also bonk on a ceiling, and then hit a wall later to wallkick.
Cardinal corner GWKs
In a concave cardinal corner, a GWK can be done using the unreferenced wall of a corner for the bonk, and the referenced wall for the wallkick angle.
A good way to find which corners you can do this is to get mario to be able to run indefinitely into the corner. Whichever side he can run indefinitely into will be the side you can gwk on. After that you simply need to jump into the corner, coming from outside of the corner to the inside. If you pull too much into the corner, you won't bonk at all and will just be in the air as if you were running into the corner. if you pull too little, you will bonk on the wall like normal. At some sweet spot inbetween, you will get a bonk that turns mario around which obviously you can wallkick out of instead.[2]
In a convex cardinal corner, Mario has to move from the 50 unit front wall push back to the side wall within just 3 quarterframes. Thus, convex cardinal corner GWKs require 66.67 speed, which can be obtained from speed sources such as slopes or several seconds of air time, but rarely through most grounded movement.
Eru's GWK constellation
In Tall Tall Mountain, there are two walls with an inside angle strictly between 90° and 120°, allowing for an indefinite chain of quarter frame GWKs.[3]
Eru's repeated gwk tech uses the fact that two walls that have a wider than 90° angle can push Mario a little bit away from the wall that he bonks on, because both wall collisions are first detected and then applied additively. So by straining into both walls at once, Mario doesn't end up exactly in the corner but a little bit away from it, from where he can gwk again.[4]
Bonk GWK
A bonk GWK can occur when Mario bonks on a wall then bonks on a ceiling, another wall, or out-of-bounds within the 5 frames he can wall kick. This makes Mario wall kick away from the second wall in the direction of the first wall.[5] Bonk GWKs can never be firsties.
Frame's GWK constellation
In certain places where two non-cardinal walls project in the same cardinal direction, one wall can overhang over the other by at least 2 units perpendicularly, allowing for an indefinite chain of bonk GWKs.[6]
If Mario hits the overhanging wall on one of his first 3 quarterframes, this lets him bonk to turn 180° and face the inner wall another time.
If the inner wall is cardinal, Mario cannot reach the overhanging wall twice in a row, as if he faces towards that wall once, he will face away from it the other time. This is because the combination of the 180° turn from the bonk and the reflection on the wall will reflect Mario's facing yaw on a line perpendicular to the inner wall. If the outer wall is cardinal, there will be no overhang.