Stomp on the Thwomp

Stomp on the Thwomp, or SotT for short, is the fourth mission of Tick Tock Clock. The star requires navigation through the entirety of the mainly vertical clock to reach the thwomp at the top. Due to the length of the star and the distance it covers, it is usually combined with the 100 coin star in speedrunner's routes.

Stomp on the Thwomp
Star Info
Course Tick Tock Clock
Height Above Ground 249
Course Records
TAS World Record 17.90[1]
RTA World Record 21.58[2]
ABC Minimum 5[3]
ABZ Minimum 15[4]

This star is particularly difficult in certain challenges, such as the A Button Challenge and ABZ Button Challenge. The massive vertical climb takes many seemingly unavoidable presses to scale, and often involves maximizing the value out of every press used.

TAS WR History

In terms of TAS records for SotT, most optimization has gone into SotT + 100 coin star (all four 120 TASes combine the two stars). Some TASers still took the time to claim the IL record, however, and it has resulted in a fairly decent point for a non-full game star. Sadly, both the current WR and previous WR have been lost due to copyright claims on nicovideos by Nintendo and the user deleting their account on YouTube. Template:History

TAS Strategy

This is mainly describing Nahoc's 18.87 TAS since the two improvements since have been lost.

The current route begins by heading the normal direction most players would, but triple jumps into the corner below and to the right of Roll into the Cage. This is followed by two normal wall kicks, and then a glitchy wall kick to keep the same direction to dive towards the Get a Hand star cubby. After landing in the cubby, a long jump into a wall kick is done immediately to reach the cog for another wall kick. Worth noting, this cog position is where it is due to the random setting cog of the clock, which therefore requires RNG. This forces precise work to have it in the needed range.

Wall kicking off the cog, there is a precise wall kick off the cage around the Roll into the Cage star to get on top. Upon landing, another long jump into a wall kick is executed, which leads into another glitchy wall kick. The glitchy wall kick provides a better angle to be able to jump off the pendulum (which is also where it is due to RNG). This jump off the pendulum is led into by a speed kick-double jump combo that allows the jump off the pendulum to be a triple jump. This triple leads into yet another wall kick that lands on the cage beneath Timed Jumps on Moving Bars.

Upon landing, a sideflip into a wall kick allows Mario to land above the Timed Jumps on Moving Bars star. A creative long jump into the exclamation block here allows two wall kicks that give enough height to land on the walkway that leads to the higher hand. After following the path to the area below the Stomp on the Thwomp star, an unorthodox triple jump into a well placed wall kick allows Mario to land on the treadmill. This is enough height to sideflip onto the thwomp, and single jump into the star.

The improvements to this route supposedly came in the form of small improvements (which happens in the case of most time saves) and better RNG. RNG is logical as this route has mario interacting with two treadmills, a pendulum, the thwomp, and a very specific wall kick of a cog.

ABC WR History

Stomp on the Thwomp has been known as a difficult star for the A button challenge for a long time, and for this reason it is often excluded from early lists. bobmario511 was the first known person to route and perform a TAS for the star, producing 4 over a period of one month. Having gotten the count to 15 presses, bobmario511 was fairly certain the route was maxed, and felt comfortable with the TAS.

Since this point, pannenkoek2012 and the rest of the ABC team have worked to improve this star, and have saved 10 A Presses, just from this point. Stomp on the Thwomp in particular takes a lot of creative routing and problem solving, and combining these in a creative way to save A presses. In general, the routing usually focuses on efficient usage the two available bob-ombs, their two coins, the one-time pre-set HOLP, and the 100 coin star for star dance clip.

Stomp on the Thwomp ABC History
Date Count Saved Improvement Author(s) Setting Save Description/Notes
Dec 23, 2007 28[5] bobmario511 Original. No Video.
Dec 24, 2007 22[6] 6 bobmario511 Non-Still
Jan 18, 2008 18[7] 4 bobmario511 Non-Still Sideflips over yellow blocks (-1), jumps and wall kicks off hand to Roll into the Cage (-1), slide kicks from lower yellow block near Timed Jumps on Moving Bars to the other (-1), clips onto lower rotating triangle (-1)
Jan 24, 2008 16[8] 2 bobmario511 Non-Still Slidekicks to higher rotating triangle (-1), dive recovers to reach star (-1)
Jan 26, 2008 15[9] 1 bobmario511 Non-Still Uses ledge grabs/grinding to reach first treadmill
Sep 17, 2013 9[10] 6 pannenkoek2012 Non-Still Navigates up spinners (-3), double jump/wall kicks onto yellow block before the pole (-1), heave-ho's to the higher level (-1), double jump/wall kicks to the upper walkway from the yellow block (-1)
Jul 10, 2014 8[11] 1 pannenkoek2012 Non-Still Uses a bloated bob-omb to clip from the Roll into the Cage area to the walkway.[12]
Mar 9, 2015 7[13] 1 pannenkoek2012 Fast Uses a Star Dance Clip and VSC to get past the yellow elevator block before the pole.[14]
Dec 31, 2015 6[15] 1 pannenkoek2012, Tyler Kehne Still Pedro spot in still cogs used to double jump straight to the thwomp.[16]
Nov 6, 2016 6[17] pannenkoek2012 Random Uses pendulum manipulation to get onto yellow box near Timed Jumps on Moving Bars.[18] Also applies fire clone SDC to the cog area.[19]
Oct 15, 2017 6[20] pannenkoek2012 Random Uses a PBH thrown bomb-omb to get off the pole, saves time from cloning.[21]
Oct 28, 2017 5[22] 1 Iwer Sonsch, pannenkoek2012 Still Better angle in cog pedro spot that allows straight jump onto the thwomp.[23]
Jun 24, 2018 5[24] bad_boot, Sidney, Tyler Kehne, pannenkoek2012 Random Usage of HSG in the Sidney Spot to jump straight from Roll into the Cage to the area above.[25]
Oct 11, 2018 3[26] 2 ds273, pannenkoek2012, [jongyon, sidney (cog misa)] Random Managed to access the pendulum box pedro spot by using a bob-omb push through the ceiling above.[27] Also utilized the highest Cog Misalignment which allowed free HOLP usage.[28]
Oct 18, 2018 2[29] 1 pannenkoek2012 Random Utilized VSC from the pedro box spot onto the clock hand to reach the thwomp.[30]

Current ABC Routes

Because of the nature of TTC and how it's nearly a completely different course depending on the clock setting, it's impressive that the current route is x5 for both the random setting and the still setting. There routes will be split up here for investigation.

Random Setting

Prior to even entering TTC, a HOLP is set in WDW that will later be utilized in the cog area of the clock.

Getting to the second level of the clock (by the first clock hand) cannot be done going through the main pathway without pressing A. This is avoided by using the spinners, instead. So with this in mind, the current route goes up these spinners every time it needs to go up to the second level.

At the second level, getting onto the area with the cogs is a more difficult task, and requires using a star dance clip using a 100 coin star to get past. This is an issue here, though, as you can only collect 36 coins from the second level down. Luckily, this can be overcome using cloning and the line of coins along the higher pole. Not so luckily, this means having to navigate the spinners on the random setting while carrying a bob-omb 64 times. This is an incredibly time consuming and monotonous task, and takes roughly 20 minutes per coin.[31] For this reason, work is usually done to avoid redoing the cloning, typically by just setting a different HOLP and reusing the old first section of the TAS. Since the cloning will update the HOLP, a bob-omb is insta-released first to the HOLP, for later usage.

Once all 64 coins have been cloned, another clone must be used to place a fire clone before the ledge leading to the cogs. A single star dance clip is not enough height to reach the ledge, but a fire burn into a star dance clip is. To avoid immediately burning on the fire clone, it is placed carefully using the hand to push Mario out of the way.[32] With the fire clone set, the ! block containing three coins above the second is broken, and one of the coins is cloned. This allows the 100 coin star to be placed in a spot that allows the star dance clip without needing a bob-omb to still have its coin. At this point, the set-up is complete and Mario can now burn and then clip up to the area near the cogs.

From here, the insta-released bob-omb from earlier is reactivated. Since the bob-omb was dropped and is out-of-bounds, it snaps to Mario's current location. The bloated bob-omb is used to help navigate up the cogs to reach the Roll into the Cage area. This part has been somewhat obsoleted- using a technique called "cog misa," Mario can retain vertical speed onto the highest cog using the cogs misalignment, allowing him to reach the walkway to Roll into the Cage (which normally costs an A press).[33] Currently, though, there is no better usage of the bob-omb to save A presses, so it is still used here due to the difficulty in cog misalignment.

Near Roll into the Cage, Mario now uses hyperspeed grinding to build up speed in the "Sidney Spot".[34] This essentially works by repeatably falling and landing, which can gain speed over time. Once Mario has enough speed, he can jump out of the spot to convert it to vertical speed, allowing him to land in the area near the The Pit and the Pendulums star. This is the first A press.

From here, a heave-ho is lured closer to pole, and is used to launch Mario to the area before the Timed Jumps on Moving Bars star. From here, the next step will require pendulum manipulation. This manipulation must be done on the random setting, and allows the pendulum to gradually rotate with greater and greater magnitudes by manipulating the RNG values it calls. The greater pendulum manipulation can be used to ride the pendulum high enough to get on the lower of the two rotating blocks near here. From here a slide-kick grants access to the higher rotating block, and a double jump into a triple jump into a wall kick combo allows access to the walkway to the higher hand. This combination contains the second, third, and fourth A presses.

From here, the pathway is fairly straight forward. Mario can dive recover over both of the rotating triangular blocks to reach the hand. Riding the hand to the other side allows access to the treadmill, from where Mario sideflips onto the thwomp. From here, a dive recover is enough height to reach the star. The jump to the thwomp is the fifth A press.

Still Setting

The pedro spot and angle used for the x5 still method.

Prior to even entering TTC, a HOLP is set in TTM. After entering the course, the first thing done is to instant release a bob-omb at the HOLP which will later be utilized in the cog area of the clock.

Gaining height on the still setting is harder than on the moving settings, primarily due to being unable to go up the spinner side and instead having to go up the rotating block main pathway. Getting past the first rotating cube requires a jump dive, this is the first A press. Clearing the next set of rotating blocks requires a well placed double jump into single jump dive combo. The dive lands on the moving bar so Mario can dive recover onto the second level. These are the second and third A presses.

From here, Mario reactivates the bob-omb placed at the HOLP, which snaps to Mario since it is out of bounds. Now with the bob-omb present, jump dive transports both it and Mario to the pathway before the cogs. This is the fourth A press.

Finally at the cogs, Mario can use the bob-omb to push himself into the cog pedro spot with a precise location and angle. After building up enough speed, Mario jump dives straight to the top of the thwomp, from where he can dive recover into the star. The jump to the thwomp is the fifth A press.

Potential ABC Improvements

Random Cog Pedro Spot

There is a known pedro spot that is used in the still-setting world record in between the first two cogs while they are still. This pedro spot also exists on the moving clock settings, and has potential usage on the random setting. A route with the pedro spot on random would combine most of the positives of both current world records- it would be able to go up the spinners and star dance clip onto the cog area while also jumping up to the higher area with the thwomp. Depending on how ideal of an angle is used, it could either allow Stomp on the Thwomp to drop to either one or two A presses.[35]

Initially, pannenkoek did calculations for the viability of this strategy, and came up with astronomically small likelihoods of success. This was due to needing roughing 1200 consecutive frames with calls, all with a one in seven chance. The strat was essentially declared dead at this point, and ruled as infeasible.[36] About a year later, Iwer Sonsch brought up the point that through small angle oscillations, Mario can stay in the pedro spot with less RNG calls. These small angles gradually grow over time (since Mario's speed is growing as well) and allow largely and larger angle oscillations until the spot becomes stable. This managed to drop the total from around 1200 RNG calls to about 80 or so. The analysis also showed that there was more than just one route (completely still) to work with, which opened other opportunities to aim for to increase the likelihood of there being a configuration that works.[37] Additionally since the release of pannenkoek's video, pendulum manipulation was discovered. This technique opens an incredibly large number of possible TTC states, magnitudes greater than what earlier calculations used giving the strategy even greater potential odds.

Pendulum Box Pedro Spot

The pendulum box pedro spot.

In early 2016, pannenkoek laid out a possible blue print utilizing a pedro spot on the pendulum closest to the The Pit and the Pendulum star. Above the pendulum, the box and the ceiling create pedro spots at their corners. Accessing these spots would allow Mario to build up speed- enough speed that he could double jump out of the spot using the pendulum arm, conserve vertical speed by landing on the floor, navigate to the edge via punching, and dive all the way to the upper platform. This technique would save two a presses.[38]

Entering the pedro spot became the root of the technical difficulties for this strategy. It was fairly obvious that the strategy would be to manipulate the pendulum and to ride it to near the spot, but the ceiling is to low to allow the movement needed to enter the spot. Using a bob-omb to push Mario had it's own difficulties as well, since instant release wouldn't be able to be used for Mario's height and a PBH thrown bob-omb would be prevented by a floor and a ceiling from interacting with Mario. Given the state of the situation, it seemed unlikely that entering this spot be possible while saving presses.[39]

In September of 2018, ds273 made a notable discovery about this strategy- a bob-omb thrown could come in contact with Mario through the floor and ceiling, which was previously thought impossible. ds273 and pannenkoek immediately began testing, and were both initially unable to use this extra push to enter the spot. ds273 brought a new strategy to the table, though, using the pendulum to get Mario stuck in the ceiling while pushing him sideways, and a bob-omb explosion pushes Mario into the spot. This strategy ended up having success, with a two press improvement seeming imminent.[40]


  1. "Super Mario 64 - TAS Times" Document by plush
  2. "Super Mario 64 - Stomp On The Thwomp 21"58" by Xiah
  3. "TTC Stomp on the Thwomp 5x A Presses" by pannenkoek2012
  4. "SM64 ABZ Button Challenge PAL" Document
  5. [1]
  6. "TTC star#4 A button challenge (22)" by bobmario511
  7. "sm64- TTC- all stars A button challenge (TAS)" by bobmario511
  8. "sm64- TTC star#4 A button challenge (17) TAS" by bobmario511
  9. "sm64- TTC- all stars A button challenge (TAS) updated" by bobmario511
  10. "SM64 - Stomp on the Thwomp - 9x A Presses" by pannenkoek2012
  11. "SM64 - Stomp on the Thwomp - 8x A Presses" by pannenkoek2012
  12. "TTC Bob-omb Strat Followup" by pannenkoek2012
  13. "SM64 - Stomp on the Thwomp - 7x A Presses" by pannenkoek2012
  14. "TTC Elevator Strat with Live Bob omb" by pannenkoek2012
  15. "SM64 - Stomp on the Thwomp - 6x A Presses (Commentated)" by pannenkoek2012
  16. "TTC Pedro Spot on Cogs during Still Setting" by pannenkoek2012
  17. "TTC Stomp on the Thwomp 6x Alternative Strat" by pannenkoek2012
  18. "TTC Pendulum Manipulation A Press Saves" by pannenkoek2012
  19. "TTC Alternate 100 Coin Setup for Midair Firebounce SDC" by pannenkoek2012
  20. "TTC Stomp on the Thwomp 6x Faster Strat using PBH" by pannenkoek2012
  21. "TTC Bob-omb to Pole using Pause Buffered Hitstun" by pannenkoek2012
  22. "TTC Stomp on the Thwomp 5x A Presses" by pannenkoek2012
  23. "DID SOMEBODY SAY...?????" by Iwer Sonsch
  24. "TTC Stomp on the Thwomp 5x A Presses Alternative Strat" by pannenkoek2012
  25. "Confirmed 2xA Save in TTC (Treadmill HSG)" by Tyler Kehne
  26. "TTC Stomp on the Thwomp 3x A Presses" by pannenkoek2012
  27. "SM64 - TTC Pendulum Box Pedro Spot" by ds273
  28. "Cog Misalignment (A press save SOON!)" by DeRockProject & the Attack of the Really Long Channel Name
  29. "TTC Stomp on the Thwomp 2x A Presses" by pannenkoek2012
  30. "TTC VSC onto Thwomp Success" by pannenkoek2012
  31. "TTC TASing a Coin Clone on Random Setting" by pannenkoek2012
  32. "TTC To Cogs 0x Using 1 Fire Clone" by pannenkoek2012
  33. "Cog Misalignment (A press save SOON!)" by DeRockProject & the Attack of the Really Long Channel Name
  34. "Interesting TTC Hyperspeed Spot" by Sidney600SM64
  35. "TTC Pedro Spot on Cogs during Random Setting" by pannenkoek2012
  36. "TTC Pedro Spot on Cogs Update" by pannenkoek2012
  37. "TTC Pedro Spot on Random Setting via Oscillations (Blueprint)" by Iwer Sonsch
  38. "TTC Pedro Spot on Pendulum Box" by pannenkoek2012
  39. "TTC Pedro Spot on Pendulum Box Followup" by pannenkoek2012
  40. "SM64 - TTC Pendulum Box Pedro Spot" by ds273