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(Warp and loading zone)
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| Sound glitch || style="background-color: #ffb65e"| N/A || style="background-color: #ffb65e"| N/A || The cause of sound glitch is unknown. Contrary to popular belief, it can sometimes occur on versions other than the original Japanese N64 release.
| Sound glitch || style="background-color: #ffb65e"| N/A || style="background-color: #ffb65e"| N/A || The cause of sound glitch is unknown. Contrary to popular belief, it can sometimes occur on versions other than the original Japanese N64 release.
| Teleporting while passing over a loading zone ||style="background-color: #ffb65e"| Unknown ||style="background-color: #baffa8"| Yes || Since the area changed, there is now no teleporter with the same ID as the one Mario used to warp. Thus the game returns NULL when trying to find the teleporter to warp to, and crashes when trying to access information about its destination. Under certain conditions, this can cause a Wrong Warp on PAL or Shindou VC.
| Warping out of a level while passing over a loading zone ||style="background-color: #ffb65e"| ||style="background-color: #ffb65e"| || Similar to above, but only hypothetical. Maybe possible in DDD using the Sub Gate warp and whirlpool cloning to reach the instant loading zone, but not yet achieved without hacks.