Hyperspeed Slide Kicking: Difference between revisions

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Renamed "forward shell hyperspeed" to shell clone HSSK, corrected the speed caps
m (added references)
(Renamed "forward shell hyperspeed" to shell clone HSSK, corrected the speed caps)
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Mario is usually placed on the ground in the concave corner formed by 2 walls, so that he is running into the unreferenced one. By repeatedly slidekicking and recovering, Mario can build up a maximum of ~95 speed on normal floors and ~400 speed on slippery ones (at 400 speed he will break through the wall).<ref>[https://youtu.be/fWvjPh_2gog?t=28 "PSS Double Star Spawn" by UncommentatedPannen]</ref>
Mario is usually placed on the ground in the concave corner formed by 2 walls, so that he is running into the unreferenced one. By repeatedly slidekicking and recovering, Mario can build up a maximum of ~95 speed on normal floors and 282-400 speed{{refn|group=note|With axis aligned walls, the most distance Mario can move while still hitting both walls is when facing exactly 45° into the referenced wall, allowing 200*sqrt(2) ≈ 282.84 speed. With perfect wall projections with walls ~45° off from axis-aligned, it is possible for Mario to move parallel to the referenced wall while still touching its hitbox for 100 units, allowing 400 speed. [TODO images]}} on slippery ones (at that speed he will break through the wall).<ref>[https://youtu.be/fWvjPh_2gog?t=28 "PSS Double Star Spawn" by UncommentatedPannen]</ref>

===Forward Shell Hyperspeed===
===Shell Clone HSSK===
Mario can also be placed on a shell clone instead of on the ground, as shell clones allow him to slidekick instantly without recovering. Since he does not lose speed from recovering, the maximum speed achievable is again limited by the wall, so he can build up ~400 speed.<ref>[https://youtu.be/TgGayeS7ot8 "Forward Shell Hyperspeed" by bad_boot]</ref>
Mario can also be placed on a shell clone instead of on the ground, as shell clones allow him to slidekick instantly without recovering. Since he does not lose speed from recovering, the maximum speed achievable is again limited by the wall, so he can build up 282-400 speed{{refn|group=note|check note 1, can't find any documentation for this xd}}.<ref>[https://youtu.be/TgGayeS7ot8 "Forward Shell Hyperspeed" by bad_boot]</ref>
<references group="note" />



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