RTABC Guide/Go on a Ghost Hunt

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This is a guide for how to beat the star Go on a Ghost Hunt with 0 A presses in an RTABC run.


Start by entering the house. Make your way through the lower floor (be sure to have a prepared route, as walking into a room without a Boo could cost you valuable time) and defeat all of the Boos by either punching or slide kicking; the latter is recommended unless the Boo you want to defeat is in a restrictive space. After defeating them all, a significantly larger Boo will appear in the foyer. After hitting it three times (slide kicks can allow for multiple hits) the Boo will vanish and leave behind a star. The star is on the second floor and the stairs are too steep to climb normally, so it's time to use some VSC. When the stairs start to ascend, dive on to the highest stair while it rises, perform a DR, which should be cancelled by the rising stairs. Mario will now have a decent amount of VS, so when the stairs finish ascending punch to the edge and the VS will reactivate, where you can ledge grab and collect your prize.
