2020 TAS Tournament

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The 2020 SM64 TAS Tournament was a TAS Competition held by the Super Mario 64 TASing community.


Round 1

Placing TASer CollapseTime
1st. Rush57 7"53
2nd. Iwer_Sonsch 7"73
3rd. Tabascoth 7"80
3rd. CeeSZee 7"80
5th. Alexpalix1 7"87
6th. Adeal 7"90
7th. fifdspence 8"07
8th. MKDasher 8"10
9th. ERGCXander 8"13
9th. DyllonStejakoski 8"13
9th. homerfunky 8"13
12th. speedycube64 8"30
13th. ShadoXFM 8"60
14th. Bretaigne 8"63
15th. Madghostek 8"67
16th. dargos 8"70
17th. Nis 8"77
17th. galoomba 8"77
19th. Non5en5e 8"80
20th. Cynimal 8"87
20th. Tomatobird8 8"87
22nd. Ystem 8"90
22nd. brqm 8"90
22nd. Manama 8"90
25th. Superdavo0001 9"13
26th. Taechuk 9"20
27th. Laxenarde 9"23
28th. THC98 9"30
29th. Somebro 9"37
30th. Bismuth 9"50
31st. FireBreather 9"73
32nd. Kosmic 9"80
33rd. LRFLEW 10"03
34th. TimeTravelPenguin 10"33
35th. Nim 10"37
36th. Ojj 10"40
37th. Flame 10"47
38th. Bloopiero 10"67
39th. Kierio04 10"73
40th. Nathan10nathan 10"83
41st. MrPyt1001 10"93
42nd. Tantrum 10"97
43rd. Skazzy3 11"10
44th. SolarPrism 11"27
45th. RSw 11"33
46th. FeijoadaMolhada 11"50
47th. Cankicker 11"60
48th. NitroDash 11"77
49th. kanef 12"23
50th. DanJongyonPark 12"33
51st. p_yoshi 13"17
52nd. PurpleJuiceBox 13"90
53rd. Bluely 14"90
54th. SuperM789 15"13
55th. drybloxman 15"23
56th. Komali 15"37
57th. Padacuw 15"67
58th. Prodigy 16"77
59th. Aurumaker72 17"23
60th. Soweli 17"60
61st. ada 18"27
62nd. NotPlush 20"43
63rd. luan3580 22"53

Round 2

Placing TASer CollapseTime
1st. DyllonStejakoski 19"30
2nd. Nis 19"77
3rd. Alexpalix1 19"80
3rd. MKDasher 19"80
5th. CeeSZee 19"97
6th. Non5en5e 20"30
7th. Rush57 20"43
8th. fifdspence 20"57
9th. Madghostek 20"60
10th. Adeal 20"63
11th. ERGCXander 20"73
12th. dargos 20"77
13th. Tabascoth 21"10
14th. homerfunky 21"13
15th. speedycube64 21"30
16th. Taechuk 21"37
17th. TimeTravelPenguin 21"73
17th. galoomba 21"73
19th. FireBreather 22"07
20th. Ystem 22"37
21st. Bretaigne 22"43
22nd. Bismuth 22"67
23rd. THC98 22"87
24th. Cynimal 23"10
25th. Iwer_Sonsch 23"63
26th. Somebro 23"83
26th. Laxenarde 23"83
28th. Kosmic 23"87
29th. Manama 24"50
30th. brqm 24"67
31st. ShadoXFM 25"50
32nd. LRFLEW 30"63

Round 3

Placing TASer CollapseTime
1st. dargos 11"60
2nd. CeeSZee 11"93
3rd. Rush57 12"10
4th. speedycube64 12"53
5th. DyllonStejakoski 12"57
6th. MKDasher 12"60
7th. Alexpalix1 12"77
8th. fifdspence 12"97
8th. ERGCXander 12"97
10th. Nis 13"13
11th. homerfunky 13"37
12th. Non5en5e 13"50
13th. Madghostek 13"83
14th. Taechuk 13"87
15th. Adeal 14"77
16th. Tabascoth 16"00

Round 4

Placing TASer CollapseTime
1st. MKDasher 26"57
2nd. Rush57 27"37
3rd. dargos 28"23
4th. DyllonStej 29"27
5th. speedycube64 29"70
6th. Alexpalix1 29"83
7th. CeeSZee 29"93
8th. ERGCXander 30"13
9th. fifdspence 32"30

Round 5

Placing TASer CollapseTime
1st. Rush57 49"30
2nd. dargos 49"80
3rd. MKDasher 53"23
4th. DyllonStej 56"43