
This is a TODO list, feel free to add things you feel are necessary to be added but make sure you add your name at the end of your edit statement.

Need Glitch Infobox

Need Level (Star) Infobox

Add More Content/Navigation to home page

Create Pages for every course

Create Pages for every star

Upload higher quality course images ---JoshDuMan

Add a picture of where you need to look to enter TotWC

A better home page with actual links to articles and stuff

Proper CSS to change some fonts (like the buttons for edit, history, and more) to be the Mario font and to make the wiki look more unique

Some of the SM64 Experts should make a list of possible states Mario can be in (with pictures).

Add Ethan's new fail to Wii VC Round-To-Zero

Someone should make something like Template:Level courses for glitches, challenges and mechanics. Then we can put all those on the front page---Thestickman391

Video references sound like a concept worth looking into (mostly for explanatory and/or listing videos) ---Iwer Sonsch

Yeah, that home page thing? That's actually pretty urgent imo. Like that's the first thing you do right now. I added a bit to it but pls. ---Jongyon7192p

Fix BitDW, the page is broken

Make it so the mobile version of the site has access to the entire page when editing ---Bloopiero

Add a page about the Mystery Goomba in BitS - ---StratosphereSinkhole