Cartridge tilt

Revision as of 10:24, 19 July 2018 by Stick (talk | contribs)

Cartridge tilting is an action performed on cartridge-based systems to create otherwise impossible glitches. Cartridge tilting is not a glitch, but rather the process which creates glitches. In the middle of the game, slowly and surely wiggle the cartridge and move it from side to side. If you do it too slow, nothing will happen, and doing it too fast will disconnect the game. Eventually, the cartridge will enter a state where its not fully connected to the console but not completely disconnected. Thus, enough information from the cartridge is blocked to glitch up the game, but not enough to make it freeze, crash, or otherwise error out.

Adverse Effects

While Cartridge tilting can create interesting results, it can also cause the following adverse effects:

  • Corrupting or erasing your save data.
  • Ruin your cartridge and possibly damage hardware.
  • Freeze, hang (permanently freeze), or crash your game.
  • Create extremely loud noises