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This page lists the 20 newest pages on the wiki.

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Listing 20 newest pages:

  1. Button press
  2. Soft Bonk
  3. Invisible wall
  4. File:Bits moving left camera setup.mp4
  5. Talk:Floor overshadowing
  6. Category:Pages with ignored display titles
  7. RTA Guide/90 Star
  8. User:FGSM
  9. User:FanOfNintendo
  10. File:Mupen-continue-movie.png
  11. Category:RTA Categories
  12. File:Grapple.jpg
  13. File:Carpetless warp hitbox viewer.png
  14. User:Shoutplenty
  15. File:CCM Cleft LJ Setup.png
  16. File:Ttm100ShroomInvis.png
  17. Bowling Ball
  18. Bowser Anchor
  19. User:TurkeyCookTime/Other Button Challenges
  20. User:Deldee/objectAnatomyDraft