Shoshinkai 1995

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Shoshinkai (later Spaceworld) was an event held by Nintendo to debut new games and technology on which they were working. The event was held from November 22-24 in a small town outside of Tokyo. Shoshinkai 1995 is particularly relevant to Mario 64, as this event featured beta footage/gameplay of the game. Significant portions of the game are different from the final version since the game was an estimated 50% complete at the time.

Differences with Final Release


Hud numbers/symbols, unfortunately not clear due to quality of sources

The hud had both a different layout and appearance. Every symbol/number has a different appearance and the coin count was under the star count. The gap in the upper right where the star count normally appears is instead filled with a mini-map.

Health Meter

Various iterations of the health meter
  • The health meter underwent multiple changes between the playable demo at the event and the footage given to reporters. The demo contained a sort of clock hand that would move to indicate health with the word "POWER" above. The meter would appear when Mario lost health, then slide upwards to the normal health spot. Over time, Mario would slowly recover health. One bit of footage shows health wedges more similar to the finished game, with the word "POW" above it. The number of remaining wedges is also transcribed inside of the wedges. The last footage shows a power meter very similar to the end result, with the word "POWER" above and similar wedges.


In-game mini-map: Left- Whomp's Fortress, Right- Cool, Cool, Mountain

At various times during the demo, a mini-map comes down from the top in the upper-right corner. The map gives an overhead view to help guide the player, it is unclear if the map comes down on its own or is controlled by the player.