RTA Guide/Secret of the Haunted Books

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Secret of the Haunted Books is the third mission of Big Boo's Haunt.

Secret of the Haunted Books
Record Information
RTA World Record 11.16
Single Star World Record 10.81


Right-side wallkick. If you're falling down on the star grab, try this sideflip dive instead.


Left-side (double-jump) wallkick. After entering the mansion, hold slightly left to turn Mario, but don't hold all the way left until you have jump kicked. If you don't do this, you will be too close to the wall when you double jump and won't get enough height from the wallkick.


Fast Right-Side Wallkick

Fast Left-Side (Sideflip) Wallkick

Downstairs Strat

An alternative RTA strat that is generally not recommended. To do this more consistently, angle sharply facing the right wall, but strafe left during the jumps to avoid the protruding wall corner.