RTA Guide/Big Bob-omb on the Summit

< RTA Guide
Revision as of 15:36, 30 April 2021 by Saksdal (talk | contribs)

Big Bob-omb on the Summit is the first mission in Bob-omb Battlefield. King Bob-omb will only spawn if the first star in the star select is selected.

Big Bob-omb on the Summit


  • To kick up slopes, have A held and press B.
  • Push against the wall at the other side of the warp and return the control stick to neutral to warp quickly. if you return the stick to neutral while running at a wall you will bonk so make sure you're pushing against the wall before releasing the analog stick.
  • To get up to the warp in 4 wallkicks, hold neutral during the wallkicks and make sure you're holding A as long as possible. Tapping A will result in a small wallkick with less height. Also try to avoid getting a first frame wallkick for the first wallkick as reacting for teh second wallkick becomes much more difficult.

