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= SM64 SpeedTAS Encyclopedia =
'''Current Entry Count: 74'''
== Current Entry Count: 64 ==
== Speed-Generating Actions ==
=== Optimal Speedkick ===
If Mario’s angle and the camera are aligned with a cardinal axis of the joystick, then dropping down to 54 magnitude for a speedkick is optimal. Now, however, it's much better to just use the built-in speedkick function included in the Input Direction Lua.
=== Buffered Jumpkick ===
If you hold A either before the first frame that Mario is able to move, or, if landing from the air, before the landing action has started, then you can (while still holding A) press B to do a buffered jumpkick. If starting from idle, this allows you to choose an arbitrary angle to jumpkick with. Note: a normal jumpkick (where you press A and B on the same frame, or press B after A) does not allow you to choose an arbitrary angle from idle.
=== Punch Cancel ===
=== Quickstop ===
When Mario is in a landing action on most surfaces, it will take 4 frames for him to come to a complete stop if you have no joystick input. After Mario has reached 0 speed, holding a very low magnitude on the joystick (12 or less, approximately) for 1 frame and then returning to neutral will allow him to enter the idle action very quickly. If you have any joystick input on the first 3 frames of a landing action, then you will maintain more speed (or lose more speed, if your speed is neagtive) throughout the action. You can still do a quickstop if you hold return to neutral on the 4th frame. Additionally, holding a low joystick magnitude for 2 frames after Mario has 0 speed will also allow him to enter an idle action as long as you return to neutral on the next frame. If you are entering a warp, then you can save time by returning to neutral and pressing Z after holding a low joystick magnitude for 1 frame. This will allow you to stop 1 frame sooner than you would if you did a regular quickstop. Note: on some slopes, it's possible to do a "1 frame quickstop," in which you only have to hold a low joystick magnitude for 1 frame before you can enter idle. As a general rule, if you're landing on any kind of slope, it's worth seeing if a 1 frame quickstop is possible.
=== Quickturn ===
Once you enter the idle action of a quickstop, you then have a number of options for changing direction quickly. Bufferedjumpkicks, walking at full magnitude with an arbitrary angle, punching off a ledge (usually to start dive grinding), or, in some rarer cases on very steep slopes, crouch sliding, can all be efficient ways to change direction after a quickstop.
=== C-up/C^ Sliding ===
=== C-up/C^ Sliding ===
On certain slope types, (// TODO: SPECIFY DIFFERENT SLOPE TYPES AND EFFECTS) either entering the C-up camera mode 1 frame before walking onto the slope, or, after landing on the slope within the correct angle range, walking for 1 frame on the slope will Mario to begin accelerating/decelerating. If you want to activate C-up sliding after landing *on* a slope, then you must be pressing the C-up button on the frame you land. Keep in mind that, no matter how you activate the C-up slide, it will only initiate 1 frame after you press the button. Also, if your speed isn't activated in some way after the C-up slide is over, you will have to activate it yourself. The exact method of doing so will depend on the situation, but most regular speed-preserving actions will suffice.
On certain slope types, (// TODO: SPECIFY DIFFERENT SLOPE TYPES AND EFFECTS) either entering the C-up camera mode 1 frame before walking onto the slope, or, after landing on the slope within the correct angle range, walking for 1 frame on the slope will Mario to begin accelerating/decelerating. If you want to activate C-up sliding after landing *on* a slope, then you must be pressing the C-up button on the frame you land. Keep in mind that, no matter how you activate the C-up slide, it will only initiate 1 frame after you press the button. Also, if your speed isn't activated in some way after the C-up slide is over, you will have to activate it yourself. The exact method of doing so will depend on the situation, but most regular speed-preserving actions will suffice.
=== BLJ ===
=== C-up/C^ Jump & Jumpdive ===
BLJ requires Mario to land from a longjump in less than about 8<!--someone verify this number--> frames. This can be achieved using a small ledge (such as stairs), a steep slope, an upwards-moving platform, or a ceiling.
A notable optimisation is the use of neutral joystick input during landing frames to avoid losing speed. It is not applicable to side BLJs though.
==== Slope BLJ ====
  TODO: shallow water, unit squares maybe
==== Side BLJ ====
Side BLJ utilises a ledge that is between 7 and 30 units tall. Mario faces almost parallel to the ledge, the smallest possible angle upwards. He then lands on the lower floor next to the ledge, longjumps and strains onto the ledge, landing instantly, then moves back down because of his angle. This is repeated to perform a side BLJ.
==== Elevator BLJ ====
Elevator BLJ utilizes a platform moving upwards by [some] units per frame to cancel a long jump's vertical ascent.

=== C-up/C^ Reflection ===
They are one of the only few hyperspeed methods that can reach PU speeds, and the only method viable in speed TASing.
==== Ceiling BLJ ====
Ceiling BLJ utilises either a low ceiling or an exposed ceiling. A ceiling both holds Mario in place and cancels his vertical speed. Mario must hit the ceiling on the first quarter-step, so he never moves off the floor.

=== C-up/C^ Backflip ===
It is often possible to hit the ceiling for 2 frames during the initial longjump to cancel Mario's vertical and horizontal speed, allowing to start the BLJ much faster.
While in the idle action, if you enter the C-up camera mode and press Z, you can choose an arbitrary joystick angle thatMario will crouch at. You can then press A to perform a backflip. This kind of quick backflip is useful in some situations, like grabbing a closeby star above  a platform you just ledgegrabbed onto.
=== Hyperspeed Wallkicks ===
=== C-up/C^ Backwards  Deceleration ===
=== Optimal Dive Slide on Slope ===
=== Dive Grinding ===
  TODO (someone figure out the optimal equation for this?)
  TODO (need to mention XZ momentum)
=== Pedro Spot Speed Building ===
=== Ledge Cancel(name?) ===
=== Hyperspeed Punching ===
=== .99 Trick ===
=== Shell Hyperspeed ===
=== .99 Straining ===
== Speed-Preserving Actions ==
=== Optimal Speedkick ===
For a speedkick, the joystick magnitude must be 48 or less. The optimal input is whatever has the greatest component in Mario's facing direction.

=== Arctan Straining ===
Input Direction Lua includes a speedkick function, but it only works properly in one version. The one currently in the repack does not do it correctly.
TODO (get someone who actually understands this to write this one)
=== Buffered Kick ===
If you hold A either before the first frame that Mario is able to move, or, if landing from the air, before the landing action has started, then you can (while still holding A) press B to do a buffered kick. If starting from idle, this allows you to choose an arbitrary angle to kick with. Note: a jumpkick (where you press A and B on the same frame, or press B after A) does not allow you to choose an arbitrary angle from idle.
=== Speedpunch ===
When Mario is on the ground, pressing B will do a punch rather than a dive if the joystick magnitude is 48 or less. A must not be held, otherwise Mario will kick.

=== Inverse Arctan Strain ===
This is usually done on the first possible frame after landing, which preserves speed. It is not possible if landing from a longjump. It is also possible from braking, for example a C^ slide.
TODO (is this necessary?)
=== Pole Speed Redirection ===
Grabbing a pole preserves sliding speed. It can be reactivated by touching a floor, which puts Mario in the idle action, then pressing Z and a direction on the joystick.

=== Slope BLJ ===
If Mario grabs the pole from below the base, he will release it instantly. If this puts Mario on a floor, he will go into idle, allowing for a very fast speed redirection.
TODO (is this necessary?)
=== Text Speed Redirection ===
Text also preserves sliding speed.
=== 0-Input BLJ ===
=== Turnaround Speed Preservation ===
=== Elevator BLJ ===
=== Squish Cancel ===
TODO (is this necessary?)
=== Side BLJ ===
=== Punch into Unreferenced Wall or ? ===
=== Ceiling BLJ ===
TODO (idk how this works exactly)
=== C-up/C^ Backwards Deceleration / Braking ===
TODO (mention crouch + c^ to slide down slopes w/ negative spd)
=== C-up/C^ Reflection ===
=== Water Sliding Speed Preservation ===
TODO Also mention water jump conservation (15 - 15.99 speed and 0-input landing only)
=== Hyperjump ===
The initial vertical speed of a single or double jump depends on Mario's horizontal speed before the jump. Specifically, it is <math>\frac{\text{hspd}}4 + 42</math> for a single jump and <math>\frac{\text{hspd}}4 + 52</math> for a double jump. The height of a jump scales with the square of that speed. This means that with high horizontal speed, Mario's jump will go very high.
=== Flight Reflection ===
TODO OOB, Walls, Ceilings
== Movement Starting Actions ==
=== Punch Cancel ===
Punch cancelling is a method to begin running with a higher speed. The first frame of running has ~8.9 speed, however the first frame of punching (from standstill) has 10 speed. You can then cancel it into running with the joystick or into a jump by pressing A. This is useful as it reduces the amount of frames of movement needed for other movement starting options such as a slidekick or long jump. Note when you do a punch cancel, it must be done with a neutral joystick and therefore you can not arbitrarily change your angle.
=== Quickturn ===
Once you enter the idle action of a quickstop, you then have a number of options for changing direction quickly. Buffered jumpkicks, walking at full magnitude with an arbitrary angle, punching off a ledge (usually to start dive grinding), or, in some rarer cases on very steep slopes, crouch sliding, can all be efficient ways to change direction after a quickstop.
=== Dive Grinding ===
TODO (need to mention XZ momentum)
=== Slidekick Start ===
Starting movement with a slidekick is the fastest way to accelerate under certain conditions. When you begin a slidekick, your speed is set to 32, which is much higher than a long jump or buffered jump kick. However other starting movements like longjumps and jumpdives will catch up later on because of their superior acceleration. Instead, if you find a way to cancel the slidekick rollout and immediately dive, there's a high chance it will be faster. Sometimes you do not need to do the rollout and the slidekick is the fastest movement over shorter distances. (e.g. LLL re-entry movement)
=== Punching Off Ledge ===
At low speeds and trying to run off of a ledge, Mario will sometimes climb down to hang on the ledge. This is bad if you want to start a movement by dive-grinding, [ quickly start a wing cap flight] or just falling off the platform in general. The ledge climb down only happens if you are in the walking action, however, so it is possible to avoid climbing down to the ledge by punching.
TODO (mention both divegrinding application and fast flight application (like here:
=== Eru Drop ===
When walking at a minimal magnitude (8 units from neutral in any direction on TASInput), Mario tip-toes in place without moving much. However he is not constantly moving forward. On some frames, Mario actually moves backwards. Abusing this, we can walk off a ledge backwards to initiate an instant double jump (which can lead into a triple jump), fall onto a platform below whilst facing it or instantly dive recover. (There are probably more options out of an Eru drop as well.) To do this, Mario needs to be positioned less than a unit away from the ledge, walk facing away from the ledge and Mario should drop off of the ledge. It is advised to use STROOP's map tab to do this.

=== Low Ceiling BLJ ===
The fastest an Eru drop can be performed is in 3 frames from when Mario begins walking, however doing it in 3 frames gives less freedom as to what angles you can fall off the ledge with.

=== Pause-buffered BLJ ===
It is called the Eru drop as it was found by [ Japanese TASer Eru]
TODO (mention small slope bljs, including ! switch bljs)
== Optimization-Based Actions ==
=== Quickstop ===
=== Pause-buffered Wallkick ===
When Mario is in a landing action on most surfaces, it will take 4 frames for him to come to a complete stop if you have no joystick input. After Mario has reached 0 speed, holding a very low magnitude on the joystick (12 or less, approximately) for 1 frame and then returning to neutral will allow him to enter the idle action very quickly. If you have any joystick input on the first 3 frames of a landing action, then you will maintain more speed (or lose more speed, if your speed is negative) throughout the action. You can still do a quickstop if you hold return to neutral on the 4th frame. Additionally, holding a low joystick magnitude for 2 frames after Mario has 0 speed will also allow him to enter an idle action as long as you return to neutral on the next frame. If you are entering a warp, then you can save time by returning to neutral and pressing Z after holding a low joystick magnitude for 1 frame. This will allow you to stop 1 frame sooner than you would if you did a regular quickstop. Note: on some slopes, it's possible to do a "1 frame quickstop," in which you only have to hold a low joystick magnitude for 1 frame before you can enter idle. As a general rule, if you're landing on any kind of slope, it's worth seeing if a 1 frame quickstop is possible.
=== C-up/C^ Jump & Jumpdive ===
=== C-up/C^ Backflip ===
=== Hyperspeed Wallkicks ===
While in the idle action, if you enter the C-up camera mode and press Z, you can choose an arbitrary joystick angle that Mario will crouch with. You can then press A to perform a backflip. This kind of quick backflip is useful in some situations, like grabbing a closeby star above a platform you just ledgegrabbed onto. The reason you must press C-up is to stop mario from going into crawling, which he cannot backflip out of.
=== C-up/C^ Backwards Deceleration / Braking Wall Cancel ===
=== Turnaround Falling ===
=== Water Speed Preservation ===
TODO (extended turnaound action used to change angle you fall with)
=== Ledge Cancel(name?) ===
=== .99 Trick ===
=== Hyperjump ===
TODO (mention jong's hspd equation from h_spd_calc?)
=== Slidekick Start ===
=== Straining ===
=== Pole Speed Redirection ===
==== .99 Straining ====
==== Arctan Straining ====
=== Text Speed Redirection ===
TODO (get someone who actually understands this to write this one)
==== Inverse Arctan Straining ====
TODO (is this necessary?)
=== Eru Post (Quick Coin Release) ===
=== Z-Drop Off Ledge ===
=== Turnaround Speed Preservation ===
=== Star Collecting Optimization ===
=== Lower GP Under Star Box ===
(- ground pound 19.99 units below the star
-in a situation where groundpounding is not viable/optimal, try to collect the star as low as possible since the star fall action reduces gravity
-try to collect the star in using a ground action if the star is low enough e.g. walking, dive slide, etc.)
=== Breaking Box w/ WK ===
=== Breaking Box w/ Double Wall Push ===
  TODO (too niche?)
=== Flight Reflection ===
=== Stored Yaw Angle ===
  TODO (not only flight; don't forget c-up slide stored yaw)
=== Tess Turning ===
=== Tess Turning ===
  TODO (mention all 3 applications here)
  TODO (mention all 3 applications here)
=== Wall Push ===
=== Wall Push ===
=== Quick Dive Grind Turn ===
=== Quick Dive Grind Turn ===
=== Vertical Speed Manipulation (Reduction) ===
=== Vertical Speed Manip ===
=== Misalignments ===
=== Misalignments ===
  TODO (not really a trick; more a phenomena)
  TODO (not really a trick; more a phenomena)
=== Breaking Box w/ WK ===
=== Optimal Star GP ===
TODO (19.9999 units below star hitbox; GPing slightly lower to avoid a bad QF landing)
=== Star Dance Clip ===
=== Star Dance Clip ===
=== Quick Release ===
=== Quick Release ===
  TODO (bob king; chuckyas)
  TODO (bob king; chuckyas)
=== Break Box w/ Double Wall Push ===
TODO (too niche?)
=== Quarter Frame GWK ===
TODO (basically just gonna link to the GWK documentary for more in-depth explanations of GWKs)
=== Bonk GWK ===
=== Unreferenced Wall GWK ===
=== Open Corner GWK ===
=== Frame GWK Chain ===
=== New Eru GWK Chain ===
=== QF Optimization ===
=== QF Optimization ===
  TODO (whole tutorial thing)
  TODO (whole tutorial thing)
=== Neutral on Slope to Enter Dive Slide ===
=== Neutral on Slope to Enter Dive Slide ===
=== Optimal Dive Slide on Slope ===
TODO (someone figure out the optimal equation for this?)
=== Instant Pole Release ===
=== Death Star Glitch ===
=== Death Star Glitch ===
By touching OOB or the death barrier, Mario can initiate the death fade out before getting a star. The setup to do it may be longer than the single star time, but by doing a DSG we can avoid the star dance and the animation Mario does out of the painting and the save and quit, which is longer than Mario's animation he does when he dies. (His death animation also makes him face the painting, allowing for a punch cancel trick to be used for re-entry)
=== Steep Jump Angle Change ===
=== Steep Jump Position Change ===
  TODO (bob island alt strat:
  TODO (bob island alt strat)
=== Lava Bouncing Optimization ===
TODO (but see
=== Floor Clip ===
=== Floor Clip ===
=== Wall Push Floor Clip ===
=== Wall Push Floor Clip ===
  TODO (ttm monkey)
  TODO (ttm monkey)
=== Squish Cancel ===
=== Pedro Spot Speed Building ===
=== Bruteforcing Tutorial ===
=== Bruteforcing Tutorial ===
  TODO (more and more relevant as time goes on)
  TODO (more and more relevant as time goes on)
=== Parallel Universes ===
=== Parallel Universes ===
{{main|Parallel Universe}}
  TODO (basically would just need to be an "easy-as-possible" tutorial, if that's possible)
  TODO (basically would just need to be an "easy-as-possible" tutorial, if that's possible)
== Glitchy Wallkicks ==
{{main|Glitchy Wall Kick}}
=== Quarter Frame GWK ===
TODO (basically just gonna link to the GWK documentary for more in-depth explanations of GWKs)
=== Bonk GWK ===
=== Unreferenced Wall GWK ===
=== Open Corner GWK ===
=== Frame Bonk GWK Chain ===
(Make reference to the regular bonk gwk) By approaching a wall that has a wall lip next to it and the angle between them is less than 90 degrees, a bonk glitchy wall kick chain is possible. To do this, hug the wall of the well next to the wall lip, and then hold neutral. Take note of Mario's angle, as this angle will be used to perform the GWK chain. Approach the wall and its lip with this angle and do a regular bonk gwk. When you wallkick, you want to strain so that mario hits the wall in the same area as before. This way he can bonk and move back into the wall lip and do another bonk gwk. Repeat. (Note: Some wall lips are too big to do a bonk gwk every other frame. See the AMA TAS)
=== Eru GWK Chain ===
== Miscellaneous Phenomenon ==
=== f32 Rounding Errors ===
=== f32 Rounding Errors ===
  ? (can't think of an application of this in speedtasing)
  ? (can't think of an application of this in speedtasing)
=== Stored Yaw Angle ===
=== 1 Key Clock Punch ===
  TODO (not only flight; don't forget c-up slide stored yaw)
  ? (link to Tyler Kehne's explanation? / too niche?)
