Template:BitFS Coins

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Location Count
2 coins on the 2 platforms floating in lava at the very beginning 2
Line of coins on the second sinking platform at beginning 5
Ring of coins (along with red coin) up a platform to left of bully 8
3 coins in an ! block after rising platform with the poll 3
Line of coins after elevator (on big grey triangle platform) 5
Ring of coins under wire grid (hang on it to get them) 8
Vertical line of coins, past 2nd ! block (fall through hole to get) 5
Sloped line of coins, just before the bob-omb 5
10 coins in an ! block with the bob-omb 10
Line of coins on third sinking platform after bob-omb 5
4 Bullies 4
3 Goombas 3
1 Bob-omb 1
8 Red Coins 16
Total 80