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! File !! Difference
! File !! Difference
| audio/dac.c ||  
| audio/dac.c || (NON-MATCHING INTERPRETATION OF BELOW ASM) In func_80316928, D_80226D7C is (in the U version) set to 172,320 times what it would be set to in the J version.
| audio/dac.c ||  
| audio/dac.c || In func_80316928, there are different addresses between versions in not yet matching-ly decompiled ASM (todo: get someone who knows asm and is not a noob like me to look at this)
| audio/data.c ||  
| audio/data.c || D_80332190 has different data in J and U versions.
| audio/dma.c ||  
| audio/dma.c || (NON-MATCHING INTERPRETATION OF BELOW ASM) In func_80317270, osInvalDCache isn't called on the J version.
| audio/dma.c ||  
| audio/dma.c || In func_80317270, osInvalDCache isn't called on the J version. (todo: check for other differences even though there are probably none?)
| audio/interface_2.c ||  
| audio/interface_2.c || 31 separate numeric literals are doubles in J but floats in U.
| audio/interface_2.c || 15 separate numeric literals are different between J and U. One of these changes results in a sound difference in Dialog037 (todo: elaborate)
| audio/interface_2.c ||  
| audio/interface_2.c || D_U_8033323C only exists in the U version.
| audio/interface_2.c ||  
| audio/interface_2.c || The typedefs Arg1T and Arg2T are equivalent to u16 and u8 respectively on J version and s32 (both) on U version.
| audio/interface_2.c ||  
| audio/interface_2.c || unused_8031E4F0 and unused_8031E568 are remnants of unused debug functions that only exist on U.
| audio/interface_2.c ||  
| audio/interface_2.c ||  
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| audio/interface_2.c ||  
| audio/interface_2.c ||  
| audio/playback.c ||  
| audio/playback.c || 8 separate numeric literals are doubles in J but floats in U.
| audio/something.c ||
| audio/something.c ||
| audio/something.c ||
| audio/something.c ||  
| audio/something.c || 6 separate numeric literals are doubles in J but floats in U.
| audio/something.c ||  
| audio/something.c || Potential ASM differences (didn't look for any)
| audio/something.c ||  
| audio/something.c || In the J version, v0 in func_803159EC is initialized to MIN((s32)(arg2 * 127.5), 127) immediately, while in the U version it's set to (s32)(arg2 * 127.5f) & 127 three times, each time right before it's used for something.
| audio/something.c ||  
| audio/something.c || In func_803159EC, arg0->unk<3C/3E> are set to ((u16)(arg1 * <f0/f2>)) & -0x8100 in the J version, but in the U version they're set to (u16)((s32)(arg1 * <f0/f2>)) & -0x8100.
| game/behavior_actions.c || Only include in US version
| game/behavior_actions.c || Only include in US version
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| game/behaviors/ || (Nim is making a video on this)
| game/behaviors/ || (Nim is making a video on this)
| game/behaviors/ ||  
| game/behaviors/ || In func_802C35C0, when the boo's timer is greater than 30, it has the 0x200 move flag set, and it has o->oBooUnk108 not set to 0, sp1C is set to o->oBooUnk108. It is then incremented in the J version if the object does not have behavior beh_boo_3. This restriction does not exist on the U version.
| game/behaviors/ ||  
| game/behaviors/ || On the J version, a part of an if statement's condition (in ActionBooGivingStar0) is o->oUnk1AC_S32 >= 5 . On the U version, the debug parameter gDebugInfo[5][0] is added to 5.
| game/behaviors/ ||  
| game/behaviors/ || boo_stop() is only called in ActionBooGivingStar4 on the U version.
| game/behaviors/ ||  
| game/behaviors/ || On the J version, SetSound(0x806AA081,D_803320E0) is called in a certain part of BehSpawnBigBooLoop. In the U version, func_80321228() is called instead. (note: no arguments, is this a specialized function? it's declared in interface_2.c)
| game/behaviors/ ||  
| game/behaviors/ ||